Our Team
For the past 5 years, our talented and dedicated team has worked tirelessly to pioneer the usage of AI-based technology in scoliosis care.
As a result, non-surgical scoliosis care is becoming more effective and more accessible for patients around the world.
Leadership Team
Dr. Michael Gardner, MD
Co-Founder & CEO
Professor, Orthopedic Surgery
Stanford University School of Medicine -
Dr. Malcolm DeBaun, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
Duke University School of Medicine

Special Advisors
Amit Jain, MD
Special Advisor for Value Based Care
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine -
Susan Ellen Stephens, MD
Special Advisor for Strategy and Community
Spine Surgeon; The Institute for Spine, Inc.
Clinical Steering Team
David Polly, MD
Medical School, University of Minnesota
Serena Hu, MD
Stanford University
Baron Lonner, MD
Mount Sinai Hospital
Steve Glassman, MD
Norton Leatherman Spine Center, University of Louisville
Matt Smuck, MD
Stanford University
Andrew Friedman, MD
Virginia Mason Franciscan Health

Adult Scoliosis Advisory Panel
Brett Rocos, MD
Duke University Hospital
Sohaib Hasimi, MD
UC Irvine Health
John Kleimeyer, MD
Stanford University
Sang Kim, MD
Venu Nemani, MD
Virginia Mason Franciscan Health
Hai V. Le, MD
UC Davis Health
Adolescent Scoliosis Advisory Board
John Vorhies, MD
Stanford University
Michael Glotzbecker, MD
Case Western Reserve University
Amer Samdani, MD
Philadelphia Shriners
Todd Milbrandt, MD
Mayo Clinic
Craig Louer, MD
Vanderbilt University