Dr. Michael Gardner, founder of National Scoliosis Clinic leans against a rail in a hospital wearing his scrubs and smiling at the camera.

Dr. Michael Gardner, MD
Co-Founder & CEO of National Scoliosis Clinic

Professor, Orthopedic Surgery
Stanford University School of Medicine

Our Mission:

Making revolutionary scoliosis care accessible to the world

Hi there, Dr. Mike here.

I’ve interacted with so many patients and friends who have suffered from scoliosis without any pain relief. It made me frustrated, and ignited my 22 year journey to reinvent scoliosis care.

In my pursuit, I realized with Scoliosis Realignment Therapy, holistic scoliosis-specific support, and practical guidance for people to realign their bodies faster, all combined with new AI-based technology, scoliosis care would be more effective and accessible for patients around the world.

For the past 5 years, my team and I have been working on these components of The Scoliosis Solution™ so that we can help everyone conquer scoliosis.

Thanks for stopping by our site. If there’s any way my team and I can serve you, please get in touch.

For your healing,
Dr. Mike