Scoliosis Solution product montage

Scoliosis Solution

25,000 Participants and Counting

For so many of you with scoliosis, pain has become normal, and the thought of feeling better has disappeared.

Just like brushing your teeth and taking your vitamins, fighting through pain becomes part of your daily routine.

It's time to eliminate your pain

Let me tell you a secret: The current healthcare system is designed for people with straight spines. This is why you’re not getting better. Therapy meant for straight spines simply doesn’t work for curved spines.

In fact, it can actually be harmful.

Curved spines require curved spine therapy.

But here’s the good news… if we apply therapy meant for curved spines, we can address the root cause of your scoliosis pain based on your unique curve and your body can become pain-free.
With the Scoliosis Solution, you can enjoy your favorite physical activities again! We’ve done the work to bring together proven methods and cutting-edge resources so you don’t have to. Now it’s your turn to join our program and become pain free!

If all this did was help you get off your pain meds, what would that be worth to you?

If all this did was allow you to play sports again, what would that be worth to you?

Lastly, ask yourself this… If the only thing the Scoliosis Solution did was eliminate your pain. What would that be worth to you?

The Scoliosis Solution is the #1 solution for eliminating your pain from scoliosis!

What's Included?

Scoliosis Solution has everything you need and can be done in your home, while running errands, or even talking with a friend.

You can enjoy your favorite physical activities again! We’ve done the work to bring together proven methods and cutting-edge resources so you don’t have to. Now it’s your turn to join our program and become pain free!

It’s 100% online and on-demand, so you can take it at your own pace.

Scoliosis Realignment Therapy Program
Access to our library of e-books developed specifically for people with scoliosis pain
And access to our own private, positive Community of other Scoliosis Solution members

Plus, these amazing bonuses 🎁

On Demand Pain Relief Strategies for the bad days full of pain
And a session with Empowered Relief - partner with a world-class pain psychologist to help address your pain from both a psychological and emotional standpoint with evidence based treatment

No-Risk 30-Day money back guarantee

We’re so confident that you will love what we have put together that we are offering a full 30 day money-back guarantee with no long-term commitment.

The only thing we ask is that you give it an honest try. If for any reason the Scoliosis Solution is not a good fit, all you have to do is email our team and they’ll give you a refund… no risk, no hassle, and no hard feelings.

25,000+ Participants and counting

Validated and understood!
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“Finding this program finally made me feel validated and understood. All of this time I’ve been searching for something that had to be “wrong” with me, only to find out that [my pain was] primarily a result of my scoliosis.”
Quick results!
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“After seeing quick results of only a few simple exercises and suggestions, I can’t wait to see where the program takes me.”
For my curve!
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"It’s so much better than being told to try every exercise out there in hopes something will work for my curve."
Living like I'm 30!
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“I had lost a lot of mobility and thought I’d never purposely get on the floor again. Every week I regained more flexibility. Today I can do everything I used to do in my 30s.”
First time ever!
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"One of my first and most emotional accomplishments was being able to sit cross-legged on the floor for the first time ever with my knees touching the ground."
It Actually Works!
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“This has been the opposite of my prior attempts at pain relief: It actually works! It’s part of my life instead of taking me away from my life.”

Here’s what to Expect from Scoliosis Realignment Therapy

We know you don’t want to spend hours staring at your computer, so we made this video exercise program as simple, fun, and easy as possible.

Now this all may strike you as a lot of new information, maybe you’re not a Type-A student, maybe you want to just dip your toes in the water, maybe you think it’s too late for you to heal your pain, or that being active is too hard.

Well, that’s why we broke up the program into bite-sized, easy-to-follow modules, that are perfect for those who prefer learning at their own pace without feeling overwhelmed!

Program 1

Program One is an introductory course designed to establish a fundamental understanding of your unique curve. It also introduces a range of foundational exercises that lay the baseline for your Scoliosis Realignment Therapy program.

Program 2

Continue to build on the skills you learned in program You’ll learn new techniques to release tension, build stability and increase flexibility along your spine.

Program 3

Continue to build your strength and elongation in your spine. This program will build flexibility, add longer-format lessons, and continue to develop your strength.

Do you see how helpful these can be in your journey to becoming pain free?

Scoliosis Solution is your one-stop shop

With the Scoliosis Solution, you can enjoy your favorite physical activities again! We’ve done the work to bring together proven methods and cutting-edge resources so you don’t have to. Now it’s your turn to join our program and become pain free!

You might be wondering...

What the risks are with signing up for this program?

I’m so confident that you will love what we have put together that I’m offering a full 30 day money-back guarantee. There’s no long-term commitment.

Whether you spend 29 days or 29 minutes in the Scoliosis Solution, all you have to do is email our team and they’ll give you a refund, no risk, no hassle, and no hard feelings. The only thing we ask is that you give it an honest try.

Now you may be thinking… “Am I too old for this?, Am I too inflexible?, or Am I too weak for this?”
The answer is absolutely not! You’ve just been doing straight spine therapies.
We have seen tens of thousands of people eliminate their pain from scoliosis and many of them are over the age of 70.
Each of them have different levels of flexibility. Whether you are able to attend a yoga class or have a hard time touching your toes, we’ve seen it all, you’re not too inflexible to become pain free.
Lastly, every person has a different level of strength. Even if it’s tough for you to get out of your chair, you can absolutely heal your body and become pain free with therapy meant for your curved spine.

…You may be wondering “Why don’t doctors prescribe this?”

The answer is plain and simple. Doctors aren’t educated or trained on these more peripheral, yet effective methods. The healthcare system is so large that it typically takes long periods of time before cutting-edge research becomes a standard practice. Even I had to seek out my training independently from my traditional medical education, just to get educated on solutions for a curved spine. Today, I am grateful to be incorporating this paradigm shifting research into my work at Stanford University. However, I know the vast majority of scoliosis patients face many barriers when trying to access this kind of information.

Today, leading institutions including Stanford University are accepting this paradigm shifting research and it has been a joy to incorporate it! That’s why I’m so passionate about getting this message out there. It’s very simple and it works so well!

…You may also be thinking “Will this work for my unique curve?”

Well, whether you are in a small or extreme amount of back-pain, every curved spine needs curved spine therapy. The root of scoliosis is curvature in the spine and no matter how curved your spine is, you need curved spine therapy to eliminate your pain, or prevent pain from happening in the future.

You can do it if you can…
-Lie down in bed or on the floor / yoga mat
-Stand (assisted or unassisted) at the kitchen counter
-Sit in a kitchen chair or on the floor

This isn’t about long labor intensive exercises, in fact, so many of these exercises can be done in 30 seconds or less so each session can take place throughout your day with ease. You’ll no longer have to put on your workout clothes and drive to the gym as everything can be learned from the comforts of your home!

Now you’re probably thinking that you need to carve out an enormous amount of time to address your misalignment…

Once you learn some key movements from our experts, you’ll be able to fit this into your busy schedule!

You can address your misalignment while doing Common Daily Activities like:
Breathing techniques meant for a curved spine while you’re sitting at your desk
Or spending 10 seconds doing a simple stretch meant for your curve while you’re pumping some gas

No matter how busy your schedule is, addressing your misalignment is more simple and easy than you think,

All you need to do is build good habits and make small tweaks to your lifestyle and you can say goodbye to your pain.

With quick and easy routines, you’ll feel better without all the hassle.

Meet your guide, Dr. Michael Gardner, MD

Dr. Michael Gardner, MD

Hello There! I’m Dr. Gardner, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Stanford University & founder of the National Scoliosis Clinic.

Orthopedic surgery allowed me to become a mechanic who gets to fix the human body, and it filled me with purpose and excitement.

I was trained to think that the best scoliosis treatments were pain medication and surgery.

But much to my surprise, many patients who followed the healthcare system’s recommendations, including those receiving surgery, had worse pain than before.

For so many of you with scoliosis, pain has become normal, and the thought of feeling better has disappeared.

Just like brushing your teeth and taking your vitamins, fighting through pain becomes part of your daily routine.

This realization was deeply troubling for me, and I knew I had to do something.

I started a worldwide search to find the best non surgical solutions for Scoliosis, consulting with other Scoliosis experts around the world.

After years of research and consulting with other Scoliosis experts, I found out that they all used the same treatments which were designed for straight spines.

These treatments only led to more PAIN and ZERO results for Scoliosis patients worldwide.

But then I stumbled upon something extraordinary…

I found a study about a small group of scoliosis patients who had completely eliminated their pain.

The therapy they used came from a technique developed over 90 years ago by someone with scoliosis in Germany.

For the past 90 years, virtually all the patients using this therapy have experienced extraordinary results.

They eliminated scoliosis pain without medication and were able to avoid surgery. Patients who already had surgery were able to avoid additional surgeries. 

Through treatment specifically designed for curved spines, they addressed the root cause of scoliosis pain, unlike other treatments that merely addressed symptoms of scoliosis pain.

And this all culminated into launching The National Scoliosis Solution with its flagship product, Scoliosis Solution. 

We’re on a mission to help everyone suffering from Scoliosis pain. No matter how old you are, or how curved your spine in, Scoliosis Solution can help you. It’s my life’s mission.

Meet your Lead Instructor, Karena Thek

Karena Thek Scolipilates®

Karena is a wife, a mom, and a Certified Scoliosis Practitioner with over 20 years of experience. She’s the founder of the largest Scoliosis realignment institute in North America, where she’s trained over 60 practitioners to eliminate pain for over 100,000 scoliosis patients.

She is one of the best people in the world to teach SRT. She’s taught SRT to countless scoliosis patients and has a proven track record of explaining SRT in a very simple and entertaining way. By connecting you with experts like Karena, we’ve solved all the hard work for you! We are so grateful to have such an incredible team… you’re going to love getting to know them!


The Scoliosis Solution is usually helpful for people with fused spines. A fused spine can continue to change above and below where the fusion has occurred. Our program attempts to relieve the pressure on the points above and below and address any additional curvature that may be happening.

For any individual we always encourage seeking approval from your care team to determine if exercise is safe and appropriate for you. For more info about specific conditions, please see below:

Osteoporosis: Our program adheres to safe movement practices for those with low bone density, a condition that varies in severity. We focus on avoiding excessive stress on the spine. Specifically, for osteoporosis, we avoid extreme bending, side-bending, and twisting movements. These actions are also avoided in our Scoliosis Solution program, as they are not recommended for scoliosis.

Arthritis: Movement is recommended for people with osteoarthritis; there are no contraindications to exercise for this condition.

Kyphosis: This is not a kyphosis specific program. When people have kyphosis combined with scoliosis, it’s usually helpful.

You can perform Scoliosis Solution exercises whenever and wherever is most convenient for you. Here’s all you’ll need:

Your computer, smartphone, or tablet, with internet access.

An open area. You’ll need a few feet of empty space to move in. You may want to use a yoga mat or blanket for floor exercises.

Washclothes and 2 Beach towels (depending on video)

If you can but not necessary: resistance band, squishy ball and wedges.

Almost any age can participate in this program, there have been participants in their 90s who saw benefits. In general, this program is appropriate for those who are older than 10 years old.

Yes, if you use an active HSA card for your subscription, your purchase will be auto-substantiated and you can skip the claims process!

If you don’t have an HSA card, you can pay with your credit card or other card, and request a reimbursement from your HSA following your HSA provider’s available methods.

25,000+ Participants and counting

Validated and understood!
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“Finding this program finally made me feel validated and understood. All of this time I’ve been searching for something that had to be “wrong” with me, only to find out that [my pain was] primarily a result of my scoliosis.”
Quick results!
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“After seeing quick results of only a few simple exercises and suggestions, I can’t wait to see where the program takes me.”
For my curve!
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"It’s so much better than being told to try every exercise out there in hopes something will work for my curve."
Living like I'm 30!
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“I had lost a lot of mobility and thought I’d never purposely get on the floor again. Every week I regained more flexibility. Today I can do everything I used to do in my 30s.”
First time ever!
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"One of my first and most emotional accomplishments was being able to sit cross-legged on the floor for the first time ever with my knees touching the ground."
It Actually Works!
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“This has been the opposite of my prior attempts at pain relief: It actually works! It’s part of my life instead of taking me away from my life.”