
Give Your Non-Op Scoliosis Patients the Best Treatment Option

When surgery isn’t indicated, our physician-developed program gives your patients the best rehab possible–and provides you with efficient oversight to track patient progression.

Finally, a Solution That Works


Extensive Level 1 research data shows that standard PT, injections, and chiropractic care are minimally effective for symptomatic scoliosis. We provide a customized and proven program of scoliosis-specific exercises, community support, and resources for adult scoliosis patients.

Earn Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) Revenue

How many of your patients aren’t candidates for an operation? Imagine earning an average of $500 RTM reimbursements from each one, with virtually no paperwork.

Our Program Features a Revolutionary Spine Scan


Patients can map and track their Cobb angle in seconds using our AI-powered 3D spine measurement on their mobile phones. This customizes their program and provides you with quantitative assessments of patient progress.

Patients get:

  • Accurate 3D scan of Cobb angle using mobile phone
  • Customized & Effective Exercise Routine
  • Community Support
  • At-Home Simplicity
  • Incredible value with unlimited exercises

Why refer patients to the National Scoliosis Clinic?

  • Provide your patients with the best solution for their condition
  • Track patient progress remotely, including changes to Cobb angle
  • Make future appointments more effective with tracked statistics
  • Enable broad access to proven solutions thanks to low patient cos



Here’s how our easy process yields powerful results

  1. Prescribe patients to a National Scoliosis Clinic trial, which comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  2. The patient uploads x-rays, your session notes, and any other relevant information.
  3. The patient performs a 3D scan of their spine in seconds with their mobile phone.
  4. An NSC SSE instructor reviews the material and develops a custom program.
  5. Along with the exercise program, the patient receives compliance support, community support, and educational resources.
  6. Our data collection and dashboard make any follow-up physician appointments more effective and efficient.
Dr. Michael Gardner, MD
Why we created the National Scoliosis Clinic

Dr. Michael Gardner, MD
Co-founder & CEO of National Scoliosis Clinic
Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
Stanford University School of Medicine


I’ve interacted with so many patients and friends who have suffered from scoliosis without any pain relief. It made me frustrated and ignited my 22-year journey to reinvent scoliosis care. In my pursuit, I realized with Scoliosis Realignment Therapy, holistic scoliosis-specific support, and practical guidance for people to realign their bodies faster, all combined with new AI-based technology, scoliosis care would be more effective and accessible for patients around the world. For the past 5 years, my team and I have been working on these components of the Scoliosis Solution so that we can help everyone conquer scoliosis.